Sunday, September 30, 2007

Finding out Foo Fighters via RSS

Am rapt that I now have RSS from Rolling Stone telling me about the latest from the Foo Fighters, have been listening to their album all weekend so will be good to get the latest news and info on my blogline. Sure to be an endless supply of info from all my favourite artists.

Monday, September 24, 2007

We have had some great times here at Cobram with our friends. Fantastic spot to laze away the days in the hammock, a glass of champagne and a good book.

My favourite camping spot

We often camp and this is one of our favourite spots at Cobram

Jen's second minute

It's been good listening to the staff who are also taking part in Learning 2.0. Each boosting the other one up with ideas and suggestions. It is good to have support from your colleagues and their is a sense of achievement when things can be worked out together which each one contributing to the discussion.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Managing to find the first minute

I have been trying to find a minute to get to setting up my blog so it wasn't hard to find the title for it. My days have been flat chat with other things getting in the way. I am sure many of us are the same, it's just finding the time to get on top of all the other stuff and finding time to "play" with technology.
So my aim is to find more minutes to do that, here's hoping...